Please click the link below to fill out an online application form.
To apply for a Nursery place please pick an application form up from the front of school.
Hull City Council are responsible for co-ordinating all admissions for Cleeve Primary School and making offers of places. This includes in-year applications.
If you would like to apply for a place at Cleeve please contact the admissions team at Hull City Council on 300300 or click this link 'Register for My School Portal'.
Hull City Council recommend that you give three preferences of school.
If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan there is a separate admissions process. Local Offer for disabled children
Proof of address
Hull City Council may ask you for proof of residence at the address you have given. A child’s home address is defined as the address at which the parent or carer and child and ordinarily resident at the time of application.
Hull City Council are committed to preventing fraudulent applications for school places.
You must -
· only use one address when applying for a school place
· use the address at which the parent or carer and child are ordinarily resident
· be held responsible for proving they are ordinarily resident at the address
· provide additional information if requested before places can be confirmed
Hull City Council may -
· check addresses against other records Hull City Council hold, in accordance with our Data Protection Register
· ask for suitable proof of residence, tenancy (if renting), or proof of completion (if buying)
· request proof of council tax payment
· invite you to discuss the address details on your application with the fraud investigation team
A school place may be withdrawn, even after the child has started school, if an application is found to be fraudulent or intentionally misleading.
If you change your home address you must provide evidence of your new address to the admissions team as soon as possible
How school places are allocated
Each school has a published number of places that are available for allocation. Please see the Admission policy
Where there are -
· places available for all pupils that have applied then all pupils will qualify for a place
· more applications for places than there are places available the oversubscription criteria are used to determine which pupils qualify for one of these places.
If your child -
· qualifies for a place at only one of the schools named on the application form your child will be offered a place at the school
· qualifies for a place at more than one of the schools named on your application form your child will be offered a place at the school you ranked highest
· does not qualify for a place at any of the schools named on your application form your child will be offered a place at your nearest school which has a place available
If you live outside of Hull and have applied for a Hull school your home authority will forward your application to Hull City Council and they will notify them if your child qualifies for a place at a Hull school. Your home authority will then confirm which school place your child should be given based on the order of your preferences.
If Hull City Council cannot allocate your preferred school
If Hull City Council cannot offer a place at any of your preferred schools Hull City Council will place your child on a waiting list for the school until the end of the autumn term and you will be offered the right of appeal. Hull City Council will allocate your child a place at the next nearest Hull school that has a vacancy.
Appealing an Admissions decision
Defer entry
You can request to defer entry until later in the academic year such as January or after Easter, but your child must be attending full time from the beginning of the term after their 5th birthday.
You must still make your application for a school place before the closing date even if you do not want your child to start school at the beginning of the autumn term.
Once you have received your offer letter you should discuss deferring entry with Cleeve Primary School.
Delay entry
If your child was born between 1 April 2020 and 31 August 2021 you can request that admission into full time education is delayed until the following academic year (September 2025).
You will then need to decide whether you want your child to enter full time education in Y1 (child’s chronological year group) or Reception (education out of year group), you must still make your application before 15 January 2024.
Once you have made your application you must contact the admissions team about your request to delay entry and Hull City Council will advise you on what happens next.
If you would like to apply for a place at Cleeve please contact the admissions team at Hull City Council on 300300 or click the link for the website
Admissions Policy
Appeal Timetable 2024-2025
Applications for Horizon Academy Trust Schools located in the Hull City Council will use the following Admissions Timetable:
By 12th September 2023 |
Guide for Parents “A Guide to Primary School Admissions in Hull’ published online at |
By 12th September 2023 |
Common Application Form (CAFs) for all parents of pupils who reside within Hull and whose child is due to start in the reception year group for the specified year. This should be completed as an online application via the citizen portal however a paper form will be made available. |
15 January 2024 |
Completed CAFs must be submitted online or returned to the LA by 15 January 2024. |
From 16 January 2024 |
Applications received may be treated as ‘late |
From 12 February 2024-3 May 2024 |
Applications received will be offered a school place on 10 May 2024, as part of the second allocation. |
16 April 2024 (or next working day) |
Primary and Junior National Offer Day On 16 April 2024 parents will be sent an email/letter notifying that they are being offered a place at the allocated school. This letter will give the following information: • The name of the school at which a place is offered; • Where a child has been refused a place at a school ranked higher on the CAF than the one at which a place has been offered, the reasons why the child is not being offered that place; • Information about their statutory right of appeal against the decisions to refuse place |
22 May 2024 |
Deadline for return of Primary and Junior appeals |
10 June 2024 - 19 July 2024 |
Admission appeals for ‘on-time’ Primary and Junior applicants |
September 2024 |
Start of the school year |